We believe each phase of life should be golden in its own way, yet we recognize that different periods usually bring unique challenges and opportunities. It’s wise to prepare accordingly. In general terms, we consider the following:
During these early years of professional and family life, financial responsibilities become real. Young children, first mortgages, student loans, etc. all create pressure unique to this time of life. Without established assets, saving for emergencies, and insuring against the loss of income due to accident, illness, or premature death is critically important. This may include large amounts of temporary (or “term”) life insurance combined with disability insurance to assist with a young family’s well-being. Budgeting income is often necessary for these financial goals.
• Professional education
• Exploring opportunities
• Establishing a family
• Building a career
As income becomes more dependable and possibly peaks, most people focus on lifestyle issues, preparing children for college, and caring for aging parents. As these realities become clear, increased attention should be given to financial preparations for one’s own later years. This usually includes saving aggressively in tax-efficient retirement plans and securing a basic foundation of permanent life insurance (i.e., capable of lasting one’s entire lifetime and outlasting the devaluing effects of inflation). Budgeting ever larger percentages of income towards savings and long-term goals is often necessary as the wage earner approaches retirement. Depending on your personal and family health history, obtaining insurance against the number one risk to your future retirement needs becomes critical: long-term care (also known as extended care).
Professionally positioned for peak earning years:
• Helping children through college
• Establishing transition plans (or long-term care) for parents or children with special needs
• Focusing on retirement savings and related quality of life preparations
Financial safety and income planning are the priorities during this phase as individuals replace active earnings with passive income from pensions, social security, investments, and personal savings. Long-term care expenses are vividly evident in the lives of your parents and your friends’ parents, and planning for this significant likelihood becomes absolutely critical. Focusing on your life’s greatest passions—including family, community, hobbies, etc.—may now become your full-time pursuit.
• Transitioning from full-time work towards full-time retirement
• Helping parents through their transition years
• Enjoying grandchildren and creating a family legacy
• Contributing meaningfully to personal priorities (i.e., charities, churches, etc.)
We believe in prioritizing financial matters. Most people have limited resources and must choose what is most important to them. Insurance should be for catastrophic matters, yet too often it focuses on minor risks. It is possible to over-insure, and most people do so by inadvertently focusing on things of lesser importance while missing things of greater importance. We can help you clarify your priorities!
Please complete the contact form, and we’ll be in touch. We look forward to helping you!
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